Your wedding day images are extremely important to you and they will be for generations to come. One of the ways that you can make your images be more magazine worthy is by paying attention to the little details. Typically your photographer will bring these details to help them tell the story but it's nice to have your own special items.
1. A beautiful ring box will help your ring images stand out and be more elegant! You can find them on different places like Etsy or even on Amazon. They have so many beautiful options, such as velvet boxes, wood boxes, brass boxes, you name it.
2. Gorgeous hangers for your dress! Don't just leave your dress on the tacky plastic hanger! Your photographer will love it if you have beautiful hangers, not for just you but for your bridesmaids and groom as well! those also can be found on places like Etsy and Amazon. Places like Etsy can also customize it with your last name or wedding date!
3. Have your vows written on something beautiful, not just on a folded up piece of paper. It will also be a keepsake that you can frame.
4. Treat yourself and your fiance with beautiful perfume and cologne. These images stand out and are very elegant and beautiful! Plus you can always wear that perfume for a special occasion just to bring back the memories of your special day.
5. Have your florist bag up extra flower petals. Your photographer can use these for special images, such as of people tossing rose petals over your head while you embrace. have you lay down on the grass with rose petals around you. The ideas are endless it's so nice to have extra flower petals.
6. A beautiful hand mirror. While you're getting your makeup done it's just an extra little bonus touch to have you look into a beautiful hand mirror and have photographs of you.
There are many other things that you can do to make your images stand out and be more magazine worthy these are just a few of my favorites! You can always add anything that makes your wedding images more personal and make it more beautiful plus tell an amazing romantic story!