If you don't have an end goal in mind, your photographs can end up collecting digital dust.
A couple of months ago, Paula (Denni's mom) reached out to me regarding senior portraits of her daughter. Not really having any experience with this she looked to me for guidance on what this entailed. I was super happy to help. I happen to adore graduating senior sessions, there is so much life and personality within the images. Not to mention the excitement for the future that they radiate.
Denni and Paula found me online and expressed that they liked my photography style because of the emotion expressed as well as the editing style. I like to describe my senior portraits as being "Energetic, vibrant, and joyful. Which feels authentic to me because of what seniors experience. Not to mention it's not going to go out of style. Meaning; when looking back the images won't have a "that was so 2000 and...look to them".
I love how Denni and Paula resonated with my work and were excited to get started.
We started by meeting in person to get to know each other. I answered questions and asked some too. I wanted to make sure that I was the right fit for their needs. It's one thing to invest in photography, but if you don't have an end goal in mind images can just end up collecting "digital dust" In other words, we discussed what they wanted to do with the images once they were taken. I like to begin with the end in mind so to speak.
She is confident and sporty, has a great smile...
In our meeting, I was able to learn about Denni and who she is as an individual. She is confident and sporty, has a great smile, and would probably be voted most likely to travel the world. One thing that I loved about Denni is that she not only is sporty but she also will glam it up and show off her feminine side. I was impressed that she does powerlifting (and has the guns to prove it)! But can pull off a spaghetti strap dress. I'm pretty sure that I'm not capable of that!
Part of a graduating senior session includes clothing suggestions from yours truly. I like to find out what the end product is going to be for the images we create. So instead of just making a blanket "what to wear to your session" email or pdf. I'm more thoughtful than that. Based on some key information I guide my client based on the answers they give. I then send out suggestions so they can be printed out. This is what's called a "tear sheet" it's meant to be taken while shopping. Denni sent me images of her outfit picks and I was happy to give honest feedback and together we planned the clothing according to her needs.
Her makeup was on point
With her clothing nailed down, the wait was over and it was time for her photo session. We had decided to do two locations. One for her more urban side and one for the nature lover in her. When I arrived at our first stop in downtown Moscow, Idaho, I was quick to notice that her makeup was on point and that she looked amazing. Since she usually wears little cosmetics I was pleased that she took my suggestions to heart. I always tell my clients that if they choose to do their own makeup and they aren't used to wearing much to always go a little heavier than normal. In photographs, the makeup becomes more muted so a little heavier tends to appear natural. Cleary her makeup looks natural in these images. I'm thinking I should hire her for makeup artistry!
She is quite an extraordinary girl
I asked Paula (Denni's mom) what she found to be the most amazing thing about her daughter. Her response was, "She's a determined young lady. She loves to be challenged and puts her whole heart into what she's doing". After meeting Denni and working with her I couldn't agree more with her mom. She is quite an extraordinary girl.
Aside from powerlifting, she loves volleyball, softball, hunting, and hiking.
She is graduating from Garfield highschool in Palouse. Once in college, she will be studying statistics and be in ROTC. Yes, she's smart, beautiful, and can kick booty!
The kiss of light on her hair is perfection
After we finished up with photographing her in her letterman's jacket (a definite must-have on her list). We headed to Moscow Idaho Arboretum. It's definitely one of my favorite places to photograph. It is large and has so many beautiful areas to photograph that creating a unique experience is easy to do. And the lighting at golden hour is what dreams are made of. The kiss of light on her hair is perfection. Nothing is better than a stroll through the garden and making beautiful images.
It was like picking a favorite child
The hardest part about Denni's session was picking my favorite images! It was like picking a favorite child. Ok, maybe that's a bit dramatic but you get the idea. From images that were urban and cool...to images that were dreamy and romantic. I loved that polar opposite feel of the two locations and the clothing that went with them. They definitely invoked a different feel and emotion, which perfectly mirrored Denni as a person.
I can't say enough wonderful things about both Denni and her mother. The session was amazing but even more than that, they were both completely wonderful to work with.
I find that I become close with my clients and enjoy seeing the path that their journey takes them on.
Denni, you are an outstanding young woman and I hope you have a wonderful senior year!