Graduating from college or university is a significant milestone in one's life. Many graduates eagerly celebrate their accomplishments and preserve their memories through graduation photos. You may be questioning the value of these photographs and whether they are worth the investment. Let's explore the benefits and considerations of taking graduation photos and help you decide if they are worth it.
The Benefits of Graduation Photos
If you think your university experience was memorable and you’ve accomplished a huge goal, then graduation photos will be for you. Of course, here at Courtney Rank-Copher Photography, we think you should document your life in big and small moments.
Here we will share four reasons why graduation photos are worth it.
Commemorate Your Achievement: Graduating from college or university is a significant accomplishment that should be celebrated and commemorated. Graduation photos allow you to capture this milestone moment and cherish it for years to come. If you want ideas for your college grad photos, visit my blog post 10 Graduation Portrait Photography Ideas for your College Grad Photos.
Create Lasting Memories: You are a completely different person! College changes people in the best way possible! You discover who you are, what you stand for, and what you will do for the rest of your life. Graduation photos serve as a reminder of hard work, dedication, and achievement. These photos can also serve as a keepsake for your family and friends, who can proudly display them in their homes.
Professional Quality: Professional photographers have the expertise and equipment to capture high-quality photos that make you look your best. These photos can be a valuable addition to your professional portfolio and useful for job applications and networking.
Nervous about what to expect in a professional photo session? Check out my behind-the-scenes videos of 2 different collegiate sessions on my Instagram page: Behind-the-scene Collegiate Status Session Instagram Post and the Celebrity Status Session Instagram Post. -
Stand out in your new career: You may need headshots for your resumes & job opportunities. Our world is only becoming more and more visual as the years pass. More companies are requesting headshots be submitted along with resumes, and you should have one that is professional, clean, and memorable. Want the 5 top reasons you need professional images? Visit my Instagram post on business portraits.
If you are still trying to decide if grad photos are right for you, here are a few things to help you decide.
Factors to Consider
When deciding whether to take graduation photos, there are several factors to consider, including:
Your Budget: Consider your budget and how much you will spend on graduation photos. Depending on the photography studio, the cost of a photo experience can vary. Prices can range from $400 to $2500 or more. Remember that if you opt for digital files instead of printed products, the cost will be lower. It's always a good idea to inquire with the photography studio to determine what a typical client will spend on their services.
Your Schedule: Consider your schedule and whether you have the time to schedule a photo shoot. Are you going to be cramming for finals or moving? You will want to schedule with your photographer when you aren’t busy. Many photographers require you to schedule a photo shoot several weeks or even months in advance. This can work in your favor, ensuring you aren’t rushing to finish them before leaving university.
Your Future Plans: Consider whether you will use your graduation photos professionally. Are you done with your education and moving into your career? Or are you continuing your education like getting your Masters's degree? If you plan on taking your education to the next level, consider saving your money for photos after your second program to commemorate an even more significant milestone.
Making a Decision
Ultimately, the decision to take graduation photos is a personal one. Graduation photos may be worth the investment if you value commemorating your achievements, creating lasting memories, and having professional-quality images. However, if you are on a tight budget or do not value pictures, you may choose to skip them. Consider your budget, schedule, and future plans when deciding whether to take graduation photos.
Have you decided that you are going to capture your achievements? Contact me by filling out the form.